We are a growing contemporary remuneration consultancy that blends Human Centred Design practices and Agile ways of working to solve client challenges and build best fit solutions.

How we can help

The Reward Co-Lab HR expertise is in Performance, Reward and Governance. We offer:

  • Remuneration advisory services, including benchmarking to drive quality remuneration decisions
  • Outsourced remuneration management including gender pay gap analysis to support your Workplace Gender Equality Agency submission and strategy design
  • Job classification framework and pay structure design to help level and harmonise pay and benefits programs
  • Remuneration framework compliance and effectiveness reviews including the alignment to APRA’s CPS511 Remuneration standard and Financial Accountability Regime (FAR)
  • Performance and reward program design including tailored incentive plan design

We co-lab with a range of specialists to help solve broad based HR challenges.

Hello, I’m Aidan, the Chief Member Officer of the Financial Institutions Remuneration Group (FIRG) and the founder of Reward Co-Lab (RCL). I spend my time between working with FIRG members and the RCL clients.

I launched the RCL with a vision to infuse creativity and innovation into the design of remuneration and related HR strategies.

Traditional ‘waterfall’ project management often follows a linear trajectory and typically requires a leap of faith in solution design especially when the outcome is uncertain. By integrating Human-Centred Design practices and adopting Agile project delivery principles our approach takes smaller logical steps, fostering collaboration and the co-creation of outcomes with stakeholders. We emphasise investing time in the discovery phase of the project to translate insightful analysis into actionable insights. This in turn expediates the design iteration process for the final product.  I firmly believe that innovation is the dance between creativity and curiosity.

Drawing from my extensive experience over the past 20 years, I’ve led teams and functions across the HR Performance, Reward, and Governance portfolio. My wealth of experience is predominantly rooted in the Financial Services Industry, where I have had the opportunity of serving in both consulting and in-house roles within listed and unlisted businesses.

We design client engagements based on your needs and the expected outcomes.  Waterfall-style projects are effective in scenarios with a clear end goal and shared understanding of the project steps, our design methodology thrives in navigating the unknown and fostering dynamic solutions.

Contact us

We tailor each engagement to your specific needs.

If you are a specialist and would like to co-lab with us reach out.

Aidan is Melbourne based, spending time between Sydney and Melbourne.

0484 255 986


We look forward to co-creating with you.