Our design point of view

Every engagement is different. We typically deliver projects and advice in two ways.

We find blending human centred design techniques^ with agile project delivery is useful to co-create solutions with diverse project stakeholders, bringing innovation into the design process. Traditional waterfall project management works well when the outcome is known, for example advisory engagements.

We try and keep engagements simple. Whether the foundation of the project is co-creation or advisory, each engagement typically includes three phases of work.

Also known as discovery the Looking techniques involve careful investigation. It requires curiosity and objectivity to develop meaningful findings.

Outcomes include:

  • Stakeholder engagement in the problem, and a shared understanding of the context and culture of the environment.
  • Fact base that considers employee, employer, market and external perspectives.
  • Critique of the problem and stakeholder alignment. 

Understanding techniques focuses on critical thinking and problem framing.  It identifies patterns, determines priorities and translates research into actionable insights. 

Outcomes include:

  • Problem framing to untangle complex problems.
  • Deep understanding of people and their connection to the solution, including understanding of their needs, goals and mindsets.
  • Concept maps bring together interdisciplinary members across the broader team.

Making methods envision future possibilities, taking the idea (or advice) and putting it into action.  It emphasises improvement through iteration.

Outcomes include:

  • Concept ideation to generate new ideas
  • Prototyping the solution through fast and frequent iteration. This is Advice for advisory projects.
  • Design rationale and prioritisation to build out the full design potential.
  • Transition to the new framework and implementation

^HCD comes from the design thinking discipline.  The techniques are regularly used by User Experience (UX) designers who design how people interact with the experience of the product or service and User Interface (UI) designers construct the actual product or service.

Aidan trained in Fundamentals of Innovation through Human Centred Design by the Luma Institute. Source: Innovating for people (2012) Luma Institute.

Contact us

We tailor each engagement to your specific needs.

If you are a specialist and would like to co-lab with us reach out.

Aidan is Melbourne based, spending time between Sydney and Melbourne.

0484 255 986


We look forward to co-creating with you.